Monday, June 12, 2006

Today's Flash of Brilliance

Not mine, unfortunately. I'm still working on taking a nap. However:

Podbop sorta a podcast and sorta a calendar. You tell Podbop what city you live in, and it spits out a bunch of bands that are coming soon to venues near you. Hey presto, you've got MP3 songs to download and listen to.

Well, you do, if you live someplace cool like Minneapolis, where Podbop can find info listed and people have made music files available. I entered a couple cities where potential med/ grad/ PA schools are, and results are spotty. People in ABQ: get on this!


Anonymous said...

I plan on adding some of the most obscure bands imaginable (including my own obscure bands) to this pod-thingy...

And despite the blood feud our various "fuge" entities claim, I'd be up for some foosball anytime I get up to Minny (that's where you're headed back to, correct?)

I think we met at Trash's post-baby-baby-shower, where they didn't think I would drive 7 hours to chill with people for 3 hours - wrong they were...

Febrifuge said...

Ohhh yeah. Sorry about that... I get shot in the foot so often the other way too. I say to people "hey, you remember that time we did/ went to/ played/ ate/ saw/ had sex with ____?" and then they go, "no, dude, that was someone else."

We will re-acquaint, then. With foosball. I got really good at doubles in my year away.